Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Auditions for "The Music Man"

117 N. Main Street, Miami, Ok

The Music Man Auditions will be held:

Monday, July 25th and Tuesday, July 26th. 7:30 pm. You may prepare a song or monologue, but it is not required. Auditions will include a reading and vocal audition from pre-selected scenes and music. In addition, you will be taught choreography for the audition.

Please arrive 10 minutes early to give yourself time to go through the audition form.

WHO CAN AUDITION: All of our auditions are OPEN to everyone! You do not have to be a member to audition. And, while experience may be helpful, the Miami Little Theatre does not require this. All we ask is your commitment to help make The Music Man the same high quality show that MLT consistently provides to the community.

Looking for actors, singers & dancers.
Cast size: Large
Cast Type: Children in Cast, Ensemble Cast - Many featured roles, Older Role(s),

Dance requirement: Heavy (Extensive Dance Sections/Solos), Standard (Musical Staging/Some Dance/Optional)

We ask that all who audition keep their schedules open during the last of July through the middle of September.

The Music Man is a demanding show and will require dedication and determination from all involved. Make sure to right down all your conflicts on your audition sheet.

Performance Dates
September 15th – 18th, 2011

Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 pm
Sunday at 2 pm
Book, Music, and Lyrics by Meredith Willson
Story by Meredith Willson and Franklin Lacey

Director: Pamela Catt
Assistant: Linda Kerby
Music Director: Ron Whaley
Choreographer: Lee Dell Mustain

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